A key inspiration for my journey of Mathematics was from my Maths teacher at the High school - even though I focused on History and lacked confidence in Maths, his patience and instruction skills encouraged me to step further...
From 2016 to 2020, my undergraduate studies at McGill University allowed me to explore a variety of branches in Maths, and to build a complete and solid foundation of knowledge, with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Honours Mathematics.
In the following one year until July of 2021, I took more advanced courses in Probability and statistics at the University of Cambridge, and graduated with a Master of Advanced Study in Mathematics.
Based on my Mathematical background, I am always excited to explore the connection between real-world businesses and the theoretical studies!
Thanks to @wonderlane for the beautiful picture of light through forest, which I use as the header of the Home webpage.
All the rest of images on this page are photographed/drawn by me. Feel free to email me if you want to use them elsewhere ;)